California Congressman Duncan Hunter Indicted on Campaign Fund Misuse Charges

Khaled Sayed
2 min readMay 21, 2023
Former California Congressman Duncan Hunter

Former Representative Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California, has entered a guilty plea in a high-profile case involving the misuse of campaign funds for personal expenses. The indictment, which dates back to 2019, alleged that Hunter and his wife, Margaret Hunter, misappropriated over $250,000 in campaign funds. The scandal has brought into focus the issues of ethics, transparency, and accountability in American politics.

Representative Duncan Hunter and his wife faced a federal grand jury indictment in August 2018, comprising 60 counts related to the alleged misuse of campaign funds. The charges included wire fraud, conspiracy, and falsification of records. The indictment claimed that the couple had utilized campaign funds for personal expenses, ranging from family vacations to purchases of groceries, clothing, and dental work. Moreover, Hunter was accused of diverting campaign funds to finance numerous golf outings unrelated to his official duties.

Throughout the legal proceedings, Duncan Hunter consistently maintained his innocence, arguing that any misuse of funds was unintentional and attributed to oversight by his campaign team. His defense team contended that he had mistakenly commingled campaign and personal funds and had subsequently reimbursed his campaign for these…

